
Somewhere along the way, I realized that incorporating physical fitness and healthy lifestyle habits is an important part of living your best you, regardless of how you do it (running, spinning, dancing, etc).  I love to help others embrace a fitness lifestyle and introduce it in easy, manageable steps.

I hope that my blog can serve as a forum to fuel passion for healthy eating, fitness, running, loving life, and embracing yourself… the same passion I created for myself and live everyday! Don’t let anyone stop you from living your dreams and your best life!

Happy to  be finished!

Get2Fit2Quit is a community for anyone who is looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle and get active.


If you are looking to get started living your best you, join the movement! I will post challenges and invite you to join with me! I embrace a healthy lifestyle by eating clean (most of the time!), running, planking, strength training and practicing yoga. WHATEVER you want to do, make sure it fuels your passions and helps you meet your goal of being healthy and happy!

Chat with me on Facebook, where I post daily recipes and workouts!

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